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10 Tips For Healthier Looking Skin

Ever open up a fashion magazine and turn green with envy because of all the glowing faces and perfect skin? Don’t get mad; get proactive. While you might not have been born with perfect skin, there are plenty of things you can do to improve the appearance of what nature gave you.
These 10 tips can help you protect the skin you have and make it look healthier in no time at all:
    1. Avoid overexposure to the sun 
    The sun is the skin’s double-edged sword. It provides vitamin D, but it also shocks the system with damaging and potentially fatal UV rays. Play it safe and protect yourself from exposure. Stay out of the sun if possible and use sun block protection if you must go out. In the long run, this can help you prevent premature wrinkling and even cancer. In the short term, you’ll prevent your skin from drying out.
    2. Stop smoking  If you smoke, stop now! Smoking not only damages the lungs and cardiovascular system, but it can put years on your face quickly. Smoking reduces the oxygen levels in the body and also damages skin’s natural elasticity.
    3. Go easy on the booze  If you drink alcohol, take care. Alcohol is a known dehydrating agent. This means it can dry out your skin. If you must have a drink or two – or just really want to – make sure to replace lost fluids with water or juice in between each alcoholic beverage.
    4. Wash your face with care  The skin on your face is more delicate than you think. While it’s essential to remove makeup nightly and cleanse the skin, you don’t have to scrub to get results. Use a mild cleanser and simply pat. If waterproof makeup is used, buy a proper makeup remover.
    5. Sleep  A lack of sleep will show on the face instantly. This is especially so around the eyes. Try to get a full eight hours whenever possible to give your skin a healthy boost.
  1. 6. Exercise 
  2. Get the blood pumping on a regular basis and it will do the skin a world of good. Exercise simply helps oxygenate the system and removes toxins in the process. This, in turn, can help improve not only overall health, but also the appearance of the skin.

  3. 7. Eat right  Diet plays a big role in the appearance of skin. Ultimately, women want to eat a healthy, well balanced diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables. The skin must have the right nutrients to appear healthy and maintain its elasticity. 
    8. Use moisturizer  Making sure the skin is hydrated does often call for the use of moisturizer – unless you have really oily skin. Otherwise, just find a good product that doesn’t have alcohol in the ingredient list.
    9. Get plenty of fluids  Water is extremely good for the skin and the body on the whole. Make sure to keep the system hydrated and your skin will thank you for it.
    10. Don’t touch 
    Avoid touching your face with your hands whenever possible. If you must touch your face, make sure to wash your hands good before. The hands carry bacteria and dirt that can promote clogged pores and other issues.

If you want beautiful, glowing skin, take care of yourself. Diet, exercise, sleep and the right beauty routine can make all the difference when it comes to improving the appearance of those of us who were not lucky enough to be graced with the faces of magazine models.

All for your Health

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